Ebook How Not to Look Old Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger 10 Pounds Lighter 10 Times Better Charla Krupp 9780446699976 Books
Ebook How Not to Look Old Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger 10 Pounds Lighter 10 Times Better Charla Krupp 9780446699976 Books

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How Not to Look Old Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger 10 Pounds Lighter 10 Times Better Charla Krupp 9780446699976 Books Reviews
- I am 55 years old and many people gasp when I tell them my age. It is not only about having or not wrinkles, but how you present yourself - makeup, hair, clothes, accessories, and this book gives you the tips that you need to look 10 years younger. One more thing I audition for commercials, plays, short films, and looking in my 40s instead of my 50s is against me when I try to get a part or a middle aged woman. That's the only thing negative about looking TOO young, but I love this book.
- There's a lot of good advice in here (not to say, you didn't already know much of it.) For example, tooth whitening helps de-age you. Yes, it does. And advice not to waste money on anything that stays on your teeth less than fifteen minutes but...excessive treatments can also damage.
The advice on nail length and color is well formulated. A lot of women are going to toss this book right across the room at the first paragraph telling you that "nail art" is right out. That's right, decals, painted bunnies and flowers, flags for Memorial Day and cunning little skulls-and-crossbones for Halloween or Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day? Don't do it. Unless you are, like, fourteen. I think it's good advice along with keeping nails shorter and natural.
The book goes by chapters (hair style, hair color, nails, shoes, stockings, etc) each with advice to wear certain things and avoid others. Some advice is weird fishnet stockings? Really?
Overall, there is good advice here, but like any advice, you have to take it with a grain of salt. If you are in the public eye, you may take this to heart more than someone who creates their own style with no worries. - I love this book. I initially bought it for myself for tips on maintaining young looks for as long as possible (I'm in early thirties), then
Highly recommend! Chapters with brilliant buys are literally priceless. They will save yo so much money, you can't even imagine. No more costly trials and errors - only tested and proven the best stuff! I snapped pics of those pages with brilliant buys and keep them handy on my phone whenever I go shopping for cosmetics and beauty supplies. Always 5 star buys. Today actually I came to to buy my 7th copy of this book (all previous cries ended up in hands of my girlfriends and mom in law - everybody loved it and wanted a copy), searched for updated version with up to date brilliant buys, if available, and, unfortunately, learned that Ms. Krupp died a few years ago... I'm so sad... What a great author and incredible book! You'll be remembered, Ms. Krupp, RIP - Not that impressed. Thank God I didn't pay a lot. She is very sure of herself, and the material is dated, and even when it wasn't she is so irritating. Guess what? Kate and Pippa wear nude stockings... I would put my money on them any day. Also, if you have short legs, short dresses are better... They don't make you look like you're trying to look younger--you just don't look stumpy. To a person--her models, had long legs. Also, long hair is not the only way to look sexy--that is dated information. And an updo can be gorgeous and classy and elegant and sexy...
I could write a better book. For real people! And you don't need bangs--bangs might be good--or they might not.
Some of it was right--but it was so obvious. Everyone needs a little black dress--I have tons of them. Don't wear suits. Don't be matchy. Don't wear heavy makeup. Get good highlights and a good haircut.
Don't waste your money. I'll help you for free. - I wanted to like this book. I tried. I am probably not the right audience, however.
First the good points
Shape wear - She tells women to go to a proper lingerie shop and have a bra fitting with a professional fitter. Yes! I have worked in wardrobe for various Broadway shows for the last 25 years. I use one of the sources Ms. Krupp recommends to supply bras, corsets, etc. for on stage use. We ALWAYS send the performers to be fitted at the shop. Most of them "know" what size they are. Most of them are wrong. And most of them are thrilled to find how comfortable a bra in the correct size can be. I am rather buxom myself and I can tell you from personal experience how much difference a properly fitted bra will make.
Diet & Exercise - Many have bemoaned the fact that diet and exercise aren't covered by this book. I beg to differ. She states right in the beginning that she isn't going to dwell on these topics because anyone not living under a rock for the last 30 years or so knows the benefits of a healthy diet and adequate exercise. (This is, of course, a paraphrase. Ms. Krupp was slightly more diplomatic.) And I say good. I'm tired of hearing about it, too.
She also states (although many of the other reviewers seemed to have missed it) that going "natural" (i.e., gray) is a reasonable alternative to dye if you "can pull it off". I've been "pulling it off" for 5 or 6 years now and I still seem to keep working.
Then there are the negative points
Celebrity photos - ACK! Show me pictures of actual people, not a gaggle of "stars" all done up for some event. Even very casual photo ops involve stylists, makeup artists, hair dressers and professional photographers. I work in the entertainment industry and I know how much effort goes into the pre-photo preparations.
Also, many of the photos are of the "apples and oranges" variety. The Sharon Stone comparison being the most egregious. In the "Bad" picture she is clearly being shot by some paparazzo which she neither expects or desires. She looks like she's wearing someone else's lipstick that was put on in the dark in the back of the limo. The bright flash from probably less than a foot away washes her out. No she doesn't look great, but who would?
The "Good" picture is taken at a flattering angle from a flattering distance. It's clearly a posed shot from some event where she WANTS to be photographed. Not to mention the hours spent with Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe.
Fashion - Ms. Krupps mostly recommends things fashionable rather than necessarily attractive. Frosty pink lipstick? No, thank you. Never wear matching pieces. In that case, why sell them as a set? And my personal favorite, bare legs in any weather and all circumstances. Unless the weather is warm and the clothing and setting casual, this is terrible advice. No one looks good in business or more formal attire with bare legs. Most don't look good with bare legs ever. Not to mention that it ruins your shoes. And your feet.
She also doesn't address the fact that different professions may have different standards of "look". Hairdressers, doctors and mechanics dress differently for work. Or they should.
I think that this book is probably useful for women in high profile industries - fashion and entertainment come to mind. However, if you are a professional who needs to look, uh, professional, you may not find it very helpful.
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