Download Prescription for Herbal Healing 2nd Edition An EasytoUse AtoZ Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies Phyllis A Balch CNC Stacey Bell 9781583334522 Books
Download Prescription for Herbal Healing 2nd Edition An EasytoUse AtoZ Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies Phyllis A Balch CNC Stacey Bell 9781583334522 Books
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Prescription for Herbal Healing 2nd Edition An EasytoUse AtoZ Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies Phyllis A Balch CNC Stacey Bell 9781583334522 Books Reviews
- Given how helpful I found the co-authored Nutritional Healing book (I reversed a lupus diagnosis by following the nutritional guidelines presented in this publication), I was dismayed at some lack of depth in the Herbal Healing publication. For example, under Sjogren's the author lists only slippery elm as an herbal response. However, Sjogren's is a systemic autoimmune issue that results in dryness throughout the body. People differ on symptoms, but P.Balch mentions only dry mouth. And then if a person does not respond well to slippery elm, there is no further guidance here. One needs only Google demulcents to find a list of herbal responses to various dryness issues in Wikipedia and WebMD, four of which my Eastern Medicine practitioner included in tinctures for me which then cured my dry mouth Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Common Purslane, Corn Silk, Couchgrass, Flaxseed, Irish Moss, Lungwort (demulcent, expectorant, astringent, anti-inflammatory), Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) [which is also used for osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), liver disorders, malaria, tuberculosis, food poisoning, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)], Mallow, Mullein, Oatmeal, Parsley Piert, Slippery Elm, and Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) [used for pain and swelling (inflammation) of the mucous membranes that line the respiratory tract]. Some of these are also used for dry cough, inflammation of the lining of the stomach, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, constipation, urinary tract inflammation, and stones in the urinary tract. (The last assertion was found on
One may find elements of the herbs listed in her book, but cannot rely on the treatments provided for symptoms based only on my initial read related to a handful of health problems with which I am familiar. The reader has to look in sections they think may be related to get a more comprehensive view of potential healing regimens. It is a helpful primer for sure, but I hope people triangulate information found here with other trustworthy resources. - This book has been a life saver for me. It is easy to use with ailments in alphabetical order and multiple herbal remedies listed for each one. Each list of herbal remedies explains how each herb works and under what conditions not to use those herbs. Following the lists is an explanation of when, where, and how to use the herbs. When my husband's doctor refused to work with us on finding more natural remedies to alleviate the diarrhea his multiple medications were causing as side effects, we resorted to this book and have successfully eased the problem. I use it now to find healthful, natural, organic ways to find resolutions for everything from high blood pressure to hair loss to nail fungus.
- Loving this book. I am using it to help determine what herbs can be combined. I have the Nutritional Healing book, and this is a great addition to my library.
- Informative and really helps us to know and use the type of natural herbs and supplements for healing. This book also tells us the potential dangers of some herbs, the proper dosage, and the expected timeframe in which we can expect to see the postitive effects from using them.
- I almost wore out the first edition . If you like to read about healing herbs and their uses this is the book for you.
- One of my top five reference books & the first one I reach for when searching for ways to combat an illness or condition.
- Not impressed. I can tell the author was very much influenced by mainstream diet advice. It wasn't what I was expecting. I will still use it but I need a better reference book.
- A good reference for people who are into nautral medicines and trying to get away from expesnsive and sometimes harmful pharmacuticals.
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